Oct 23, 2011

Mark M's aquariums

DSC_0331 by Felicia McCaulley
DSC_0331, a photo by Felicia McCaulley on Flickr.
I recently photographed my friend Mark's African Cichlid, South American Cichlid, and nano reef aquariums. Enjoy the photos here:


Oct 21, 2011

MASNA Live Interview with new BOD members, Ret Talbot on Hawaii, and MACNA wrap-up

October 2011 - MACNA wrap-up, MASNA BOD, & Ret Talbot on Hawai'i


I was honored to be voted in as the new Vendor Relations on the MASNA Board of Directors for 2012. Check out this interview with 4 new MASNA BOD members (including yours truly). Get MASNA Live podcasts and become a member of MASNA today!

Why should you join MASNA?

"MASNA is a non-profit organization composed of marine aquarium socieities and individual hobbyists from North America and abroad, totaling several thousand individuals.  

MASNA's goals are to:

  • Educate our members with online and published material, the MACNA conference, and other sanctioned events
  • Assist in forming and promoting the growth of clubs within the hobby while ensuring a sustainable future for the marine environment
  • Support the efforts to eliminate abuses in collecting and transporting marine organisms through education, assistance and encouragement
  • Encourage the ethical growth of the marine aquarium hobby and support captive breeding/propagation efforts
MASNA operates from a central Board of Directors elected each year by the delegates from the member societies at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America, (MACNA).

In our efforts to ensure a sustainable future for marine environments and the marine aquarium hobby. MASNA provides its members:  
  • Access to a speaker database
  • A quarterly newsletter
  • An annual conference (MACNA) and logistical support for host clubs
  • Material resources to help conduct club business and found new clubs
  • A large repository of educational resource materials
  • Partnerships with funding and conservation organizations, fellowship opportunities, volunteer activities, and a scholarship fund
  • Links, partnerships and resources to existing breeding and aquaculture facilities and organizations
  • An extensive bookstore and merchandise store with discounts for members
  • Practical tips for saving the world’s oceans from within the hobby and through personal action
  • A collective voice in national and international initiatives
  • Strategies, resources and online materials to improve husbandry, aquarium keeping and reduce mortality
  • Large resources for conservation related activities and information"

Luke G's 150XH Reef

Yawning Ocellaris Clownfish

Recently I was able to photograph my friend Luke G's amazing 150XH reef. The most amazing part is he just set it up in July after moving to a new place. Luke is an Acropora fanatic and takes great care of his aquatic pets. I can't wait to see the tank more grown in. See the full album here:


Seahorse Drawing

A special thanks goes out to one of Felicia's Aquarium Adventures' young readers, Jonathan, for this beautiful seahorse picture. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

Oct 3, 2011

Liomera sp.

Liomera sp. by Felicia McCaulley
Liomera sp., a photo by Felicia McCaulley on Flickr.

Strawberry crabs are considered to be reef safe "with caution." As far as crabs go, this species is one of the more coral safe crabs.

This little crab was found as a hitchhiker at The Hidden Reef in Levittown, PA. It now resides in my 10 gallon nano tank. So far it is not bothering any of the corals or its peaceful crustacean tank mates.

Naxiodes taurus

Naxiodes taurus  by Felicia McCaulley
Naxiodes taurus , a photo by Felicia McCaulley on Flickr.

Sometimes called the Soft coral crab or decorated horn crab. Commensal on soft corals, gorgonians, and sea fans. This one was found in the folds of a Leptoseris at The Hidden Reef in Levittown, PA.

I put this crab in my 10 gallon nano tank. This tank has no fish in it, only corals and small, reef safe crustaceans.