October 2011 - MACNA wrap-up, MASNA BOD, & Ret Talbot on Hawai'i
I was honored to be voted in as the new Vendor Relations on the MASNA Board of Directors for 2012. Check out this interview with 4 new MASNA BOD members (including yours truly). Get
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become a member of MASNA today!
Why should you join MASNA?
"MASNA is a non-profit organization composed of marine aquarium socieities and individual hobbyists from North America and abroad, totaling several thousand individuals.
MASNA's goals are to:
- Educate our members with online and published material, the MACNA conference, and other sanctioned events
- Assist in forming and promoting the growth of clubs within the hobby while ensuring a sustainable future for the marine environment
- Support the efforts to eliminate abuses in collecting and transporting marine organisms through education, assistance and encouragement
- Encourage the ethical growth of the marine aquarium hobby and support captive breeding/propagation efforts
MASNA operates from a central Board of Directors elected each year by the delegates from the member societies at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America, (MACNA).
In our efforts to ensure a sustainable future for marine environments and the marine aquarium hobby. MASNA provides its members:
- Access to a speaker database
- A quarterly newsletter
- An annual conference (MACNA) and logistical support for host clubs
- Material resources to help conduct club business and found new clubs
- A large repository of educational resource materials
- Partnerships with funding and conservation organizations, fellowship opportunities, volunteer activities, and a scholarship fund
- Links, partnerships and resources to existing breeding and aquaculture facilities and organizations
- An extensive bookstore and merchandise store with discounts for members
- Practical tips for saving the world’s oceans from within the hobby and through personal action
- A collective voice in national and international initiatives
- Strategies, resources and online materials to improve husbandry, aquarium keeping and reduce mortality
- Large resources for conservation related activities and information"