Mar 7, 2013

Extinct in the Wild Ameca splendens breeding in captivity

I've been a fan of livebearing fish all my life, so naturally, I've always wanted to breed enangered or extinct Goodeids. The problem is, they are hard to find. Thanks to Msjinkzd, I have a breeding colony of six Ameca splendens, my favorite extinct in the wild Goodeid. I took them to the Fish Factory in Bristol, PA where I work and put them in our 90 gallon corner display tank (you're all welcome to visit them any time!) They are finally old enough to breed, and sure enough, have been dropping fry.

my young pair of Ameca splendens

Ameca splendens Goodeid pair

young male Ameca splendens

Ameca splendens Goodeid male

Their parents at Msjinkzd

Ameca splendens extinct Goodeid

Ameca splendens extinct Goodeid

Some of the tankmates in the 90 gallon display:

a pair of rare Alfaro culturatus Knife Livebearers

Alfaro culturatus Knife Livebearer female

 More about Ameca splendens from Wikipedia:

"Ameca splendens, a bony fish from the monotypic genus Ameca[2] of the splitfin family (Goodeidae), is commonly known as the Butterfly Goodeid or Butterfly Splitfin. It was formerly found throughout the Ameca River drainage in Mexico; the type locality is Rio Teuchitlán in the vicinity of Teuchitlán, Jalisco. The species was only ever found in an area about 10 miles (15 km) in diameter.[3]
Today, the species is rated as extinct in the wild by the IUCN, though it is noted that this assessment is obsolete:[4] a remnant population has been found to persist in El Rincón waterpark near the town of Ameca. Possibly, it also exists in a feral state in the USA; individuals apparently derived from escaped or introduced captive stock were met with in southeastern Nevada.[5] For some time, it was a popular fish among aquarists, but hobbyist stocks have declined quite a lot more recently, placing its survival in jeopardy."

Mar 6, 2013

My 90 gallon Saltwater Aquarium

It's been a while since I posted an aquarium update, since a lot has changed. I've moved and changed jobs this past year, and things have been hectic. Not too hectic to continue keeping fishes. Many of the fish I brought from Wisconsin a couple years ago have passed away, some from old age. I still have Stormy, my Blue Jaw Tilefish, and Cleopatra, my beloved seahorse, one of which I raised myself who is the daughter of Hoover and Juniper.

My 90 gallon "reef"

My lovely Stormy, the Blue Jaw Tilefish, is best friends with my new Blue Tang.

Blue Jaw Tilefish and Blue Tang

Some of you might remember Mandy, my Sustainable Aquatics Fancy White Ocellaris. She's a couple years old now and paired up with an ORA Naked Ocellaris, and they are finally old enough to be practicing spawning. Let's hope for eggs soon.


 A picture of Mandy from Nov. 2011, notice the color change!

Sustainable Aquatics™ Fancy White Ocellaris Clownfish

My newest fish, a beautiful Blue Hippo Tang named "Dory" of course.


All the fish are very tame!


90 gallon Saltwater Reef

saltwater Sailfin Molly - a freshwater fish that can live in saltwater also

Saltwater Sailfin Molly

ORA Naked Ocellaris Clownfish

a 4" Sixline Wrasse

Giant Sixline Wrasse

"Nubs" the Bearded Dragon

"Nubs" is a 2 1/2 year old female Bearded Dragon. She lives with me in a dining room and living room of a Philadelphia row-home. She has a basking area and a heating pad under the TV stand, and also likes to be put on the windowsill of our big bay window to watch the fish tanks and the cars driving by. She eats about 3 dozen large crickets a week, and gets daily meals of bearded dragon food and fresh vegetables like carrots.

Nubs is pretty much exactly like having a dog. She does have a large cage, but we started letting her out more and more, and eventually, she hated going in her cage at all. This situation wouldn't work for every bearded dragon in every home, but Nubs is a special lizard. She is potty trained to go on plastic bags in the shoe corner, but sometimes misses and gets the shoes. She's extremely friendly and outgoing, always coming out to check out visitors. She loves to fall asleep on her favorite people's chests, snuggling up to our necks.

Nubs is missing a hand and part of her tail because she was injured by her brother as a baby. This is common with young dragons. She doesn't let it bother her, and she runs all around the house at full speed after basking in her favorite spot.


Bearded Dragon with TV Remote

Bearded Dragon playing Xbox


Bearded Dragon 

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon

Felicia's Lizard and Snake Terrarium

This tall Exo-Terra terrarium houses a Northern Brown Snake, a female Green Anole, a female White Lipped Anole, and a pair of Five Lined Skinks. The substrate is Eco-Earth for burrowing and live plants. The live plants include a potato, some radishes, chicks and hens, and moss. A basking lamp provides heat and UV light.

I found the Northern Brown Snake on my sidewalk a few months ago on a warm day, and decided to bring him inside. I just happened to have a reptile habitat that my friend Susan left me when she moved to Florida. The snake is difficult to care for; it took a while to figure out what it eats. He only ate snails at first, but now will hunt for very small crickets.

White Lipped Anole

Northern Brown Snake



Northern Brown Snake

female Green Anole

Northern Brown Snake

Five Lined Skink

female Green Anole

Five Lined Skink

Northern Brown Snake
