Mar 6, 2013

Felicia's Lizard and Snake Terrarium

This tall Exo-Terra terrarium houses a Northern Brown Snake, a female Green Anole, a female White Lipped Anole, and a pair of Five Lined Skinks. The substrate is Eco-Earth for burrowing and live plants. The live plants include a potato, some radishes, chicks and hens, and moss. A basking lamp provides heat and UV light.

I found the Northern Brown Snake on my sidewalk a few months ago on a warm day, and decided to bring him inside. I just happened to have a reptile habitat that my friend Susan left me when she moved to Florida. The snake is difficult to care for; it took a while to figure out what it eats. He only ate snails at first, but now will hunt for very small crickets.

White Lipped Anole

Northern Brown Snake



Northern Brown Snake

female Green Anole

Northern Brown Snake

Five Lined Skink

female Green Anole

Five Lined Skink

Northern Brown Snake



  1. I feel like your overcrowding them. Also, five lined skinks get big, big enough to at least eat the female green anole

  2. This tall Exo-Terra terrarium houses a Northern Brown Snake, a female Green Anole, a female White Lipped Anole, and a pair of Five Lined ...
