New article on Reeftools.com about Crinoid Squat Lobster aquarium care.
Saving RayJay and Ann's seahorse medication guide here for postierity in case the other sites ever go down.SEAHORSE MEDICATIONS AND THEIR DOSING
Seahorse Medication Dosage from Ann on seahorse.orgACETAZOLAMIDE (immersion) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Acetazolamide
Indication: gas bubble disease, edema, popeye
Brand Name: Diamox
Dose at 250mg per day for 3 days.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
Day 1 of Treatment
• Crush one 250mg tablet into a fine powder.
• Use a mini-blender or small hand-blender to thoroughly mix the powder with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Allow the mixture to set for a few minutes.
• Gently pour off the dissolved portion of the mixture and discard any residue that has settled at the bottom of the container. (Do NOT add the residue to the hospital tank).
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
Days 2 – 3 of Treatment
• Perform 50% water change.
• Repeat "Day 1" instructions.
ACETAZOLAMIDE (pouch flush) Doseage and Preparation Instructions
Active Ingredient: Acetazolamide
Indication: persistent and recurring pouch emphysema
Brand Name: Diamox
Dose at 0.5mL of a 62.5mg/cup solution.
Supplies: narrow gauge irrigating cannula or narrow gauge IV catheter sleeve, 0.5 or 1mL syringe without needle.
• Mix 62.5mg of Diamox (1/4 of a 250mg tablet) with 1 cup (approx. 237mL) of marine water with specific gravity, pH, and temperature matching that of the aquarium.
• Let the mixture settle.
• Fill the syringe with about 0.5mL of the solution, avoiding the residue that has settled to the bottom of the container.
• Hold the seahorse according to the procedure for pouch evacuations. Insert the catheter sleeve slowly and gently a small way into the pouch opening.
• Inject the solution slowly into the seahorse's pouch. Leave the solution in the pouch.
BETADINE Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Topical Application
Active Ingredient: Povodine Iodine
Indication: open external lesions
• Mix 1 part Betadine solution to 5 parts saltwater marine water.
• If the lesion is on the body, hold the head underwater in a separate bowl of tank water. Drip the solution onto the lesion rather than applying it with a cotton swab which could spread or aggravate the infection. A syringe filled with the solution would allow for ease and additional control over the solutions application. Let dry momentarily and then return the seahorse to its tank. Apply twice a per day.
BINOX (oral) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone
Indication: bacterial infection
Manufacturer: Jungle Laboratories
Feed adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with the medication to the Seahorse 2x per day for 10 days. Best to use Seachem Focus as a binder.
• Add a small amount of Binox (<1/8 tsp) to one gallon of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs, 4 hrs better.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the hospital tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
BINOX (immersion) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone
Indication: bacterial infection
Manufacturer: Jungle Laboratories
Disregard package info concerning water changes and duration of treatment. Dose medication daily for 10 days.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia. This product is best administered by feeding it to adult live brine shrimp, then in turn, feeding those animals to the Seahorse. If this is not an option, it may be administered as follows.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Thoroughly mix 1/2 tsp of Binox with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Thoroughly mix 1/2 tsp of Binox with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
BIOBANDAGE POWDER Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Topical Application
Active Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate
Indication: open external lesions
Note: Shake vigorously before use to evenly distribute the dry ingredients that may have partially segregated during shipping. Never handle fish with dry hands, always sanitize hands before and after handling. Gloves are recommended.
Supplies: Have a pint of clean tap or bottled water ready before proceeding.
• Catch the seahorse in your hand allowing it to curl its tail around your finger and settle down before starting. Raise the seahorse so the damaged area is out of the water.
• Working quickly and carefully, first clean the wound with a clean cotton-tip swab, cotton ball or paper toweling wrapped around a finger.
• Partially dry the wound taking care to not damage adjacent healthy skin.
• Rinse the cleaned area with the tap or bottled water, then pat (not rub) the rinsed area with a dry swab, cotton ball, or paper towel to remove excess water. Please note that the cleaned area MUST remain moist.
• Hold the bottle of Bio-Bandage Powder at about a 45° angle to the seahorse's body and puff enough powder onto the cleaned area to completely cover the wound and some of the surrounding tissue. DO NOT put more powder onto the area than is needed to form a flat patch. DO NOT create a mound of powder . DO NOT allow the tip to get wet or come in contact with fish's seahorse's body.
• Gently lower your hand holding the treated seahorse into the water and allow the patch to become completely wet (hydrated).
• Allow the seahorse to rest in your hand with little movement to assure that the gelled patch has time to bond with the treated area as long as possible.
• Apply at least every 24 hours as needed.
BIOBANDAGE GEL Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Topical Application
Active Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate
Indication: open external lesions
• Working quickly and carefully, first clean the wound with a clean cotton-tip swab, cotton ball or paper towel wrapped around a finger; partially dry the wound taking care to not damage adjacent healthy skin.
• Apply enough gel to the cleaned and dried area to completely cover the wound and some surrounding tissue.
• Gently return the treated seahorse to the water; allow the seahorse to rest with little movement to assure that the mass of the gel stays in contact with the wound for as long as possible.
Please note that the seahorse should not be held out of the water more than 30 to 60 seconds.
(Non-air breathing fish such as seahorses begin suffocating as soon as they are removed from the water). It is necessary to work quickly and efficiently, and it may be necessary for two or more people to assist.
ENROFLOXACIN Oral Dosage and Preparation Instructions
Active Ingredient: Enrofloxacin
Indication: bacterial infection
Brandnames: Baytril
The following information is based on the most commonly available tablet sizes for Enrofloxacin/Baytril available in the US and abroad and an average sized seahorse of approximately 10 grams. Moderators are available in the Emergency and Disease and Treatment forums to assist when working with different tablet strengths and/or when the exact weight of the seahorse is known.
Tube feed the seahorse 0.1mg of Enrofloxacin once a day for 10 days.
Day 1 – 10 of Treatment
• Crush 1/4 of a 68mg or 50mg tablet into a fine powder.
• Use a mini-blender or small hand-blender to thoroughly mix the powder with marine water. Mix 1/4 of a 68mg tablet with 85mL of marine water. Mix 1/4 of a 50mg tablet with 62.5mL of marine water.
• Fill a small syringe with 0.5mL of the solution.
• Tube feed the seahorse according to the instructions in the tube feeding drawer.
• Throw out the unused Enrofloxacin and marine water solution. You will need to make new solution daily because Enrofloxacin breaks down quickly in saltwater causing it to become completely ineffective by the next day.
Important Notes:
Enrofloxacin is available only by prescription from a veterinarian.
Enrofloxacin International Version – Tablets are produced in 15mg, 50gm, 150mg, & a 2.5% injectable solution
Enrofloxacin US Version – Tablets are produced in 22.7mg, 68mg, 136mg, & a 2.27% injectable solution
If you are able to ascertain the exact weight of your seahorse you may want to adjust the dosage as necessary to get the most benefit from the medication. In such an instance you would dose Enrofloxacin at 0.01mg of the medication per gram of body weight. A veterinarian who works regularly with small exotics will be familiar with the proper way to dilute injectable Enrofloxacin solution to fit your needs.
FENBENDAZOLE (granules) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: Fenbendazole
Indication: worms and other internal parasites
Brand Names: Panacur, Safe-Guard
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Fenbendazole to the Seahorse. Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• Purchase Fenbendazole granules available as 1gm packets.
• Thoroughly mix a single 1gm packet (~1/4tsp) into one gallon (~4 liters) of water. Please note that the granules will not completely dissolve.
• This mixture will produce 222mg of Fenbendazole per gallon of water.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
FENBENDAZOLE (liquid) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: 10% Fenbendazole
Indication: worms and other internal parasites
Brand Names: Panacur, Safe-Guard
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Fenbendazole to the Seahorse. Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• Add ~250mg (2ml or ~1/2 tsp) of the Fenbendazole mixture to one gallon (~4 liters) of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
FENBENDAZOLE (granules) Dosage and Preparation Instructions Hydroids
Active Ingredient: Fenbendazole
Indication: hydroids
Brand Names: Panacur, Safe-Guard
Note: This treatment is ONLY recommended for Seahorse fry nurseries and Dwarf Seahorse tanks that do NOT contain invertebrates/corals. (Nassarius sp. snails have been known to survive treatment).
Residual effects of this medication may make the tank inhospitable for invertebrates for up to two years following treatment.
Dose at 1mg per gallon for light infestations.
Dose 2mg per gallon for heavy infestations.
Repeat every other day for three treatments.
• Purchase Fenbendazole granules available as 1gm packets.
• Thoroughly mix a single 1gm packet into 100ml of water. (100ml is equal to a little less than 1/2 cup). Please note that the granules will not completely dissolve.
• This mixture will produce 2.22mg of Fenbendazole per ml.
FENBENDAZOLE (liquid) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Hydroids
Active Ingredient: 10% Fenbendazole suspension
Indication: hydroids
Brand Names: Panacur, Safe-Guard
Note: This treatment is ONLY recommended for Seahorse fry nurseries and Dwarf Seahorse tanks that do NOT contain invertebrates/corals. (Nassarius sp. snails have been known to survive treatment).
Residual effects of this medication may make the tank inhospitable for invertebrates for up to two years following treatment.
Dose 1mg per gallon (0.1 ml per 10 gal) for light infestations.
Dose 2mg per gallon (0.2 ml per 10 gal) for heavy infestations.
Repeat every other day for three treatments.
FORMALIN Short-Term BATH Dosage and Preparation Instructions
Active Ingredient: 37% Formaldehyde
Indication: external parasites
Brand Names: Formalin, Formalin-MS
Notes: 1. Do NOT use Formalin that has a white residue at the bottom of the bottle. White residue indicates the presence of Paraformaldehyde which is very toxic.
2. "Formalin 3" by Kordon contains only 3% Formaldehyde. Dosing instructions will need to be modified if using this product.
• Fill a small tank with aged, aerated, dechlorinated marine water. Match the pH, temperature, and salinity to that of the tank the Seahorse is currently in.
• Add an artifical hitch and 1–2 vigorously bubbling airlines. Formalin reduces dissolved O2 so heavy aeration is required.
• Add 1ml/cc of Formalin per one gallon (3.8 liters) of tank water. Allow several minutes for the Formalin to disperse.
• Place the Seahorse into the dip water for 45–60 minutes unless it is showing signs of an adverse reaction. If the Seahorse cannot tolerate the Formalin dip, immediately move it back to the hospital tank.
• Observe the Seahorse for 24hrs for signs of improvement.
FORMALIN Long-Term BATH (adults and fry) Dosage and Preparation Instructions
Active Ingredient: 37% Formaldehyde
Indication: external parasites
Brand Names: Formalin, Formalin-MS
Dose at 2 drops per gallon, or 1ml per 10g, every other day for 3 treatments. Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
Notes: 1. Do NOT use Formalin that has a white residue at the bottom of the bottle. White residue indicates the presence of Paraformaldehyde which is very toxic.
2. "Formalin 3" by Kordon contains only 3% Formaldehyde. Dosing instructions will need to be modified if using this product.
When using 3% Formalin, dose 10 times what is needed for 37% formalin. Use 20 drops per gallon, or 1mL per ONE gallon.
• Mix the appropriate amount of Formalin with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank or fry nursery.
FURAN-2 (oral) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone and Furazolidone
Indication: bacterial infection
Feed adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with the medication to the Seahorse 2x per day for 10 days.
• Add 1/4 to 1/2 packet of Furan-2 to one gallon of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the hospital tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
FURAN-2 (immersion) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone and Furazolidone
Indication: bacterial infection
Disregard package info concerning water changes and duration of treatment. Dose medication daily for 10 days. Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
This product is best administered by feeding it to adult live brine shrimp, then in turn, feeding those animals to the Seahorse. If this is not an option, it may be administered as follows.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Thoroughly mix one packet of Furan-2 with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Thoroughly mix one packet of Furan-2 with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
FURANASE (oral) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nifurpirinol
Indication: bacterial infection
Feed adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with the medication to the Seahorse 2x per day for 10 days.
• Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 tablet of Furanase in 1 gallon of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the hospital tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
FURANASE (immersion) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nifurpirinol
Indication: bacterial infection
Dose medication daily for 10 days.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
This product is best administered by feeding it to adult live brine shrimp, then in turn feeding those animals to the Seahorse. If this is not an option, it may be administered as follows.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Dissolve 2 tablets of Furanase in about 1 cup of marine water and mix thoroughly.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Dissolve 1 tablet of Furanase in about 1 cup of marine water and mix thoroughly.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
MARACYN-TWO (saltwater version) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Minocycline
Indication: bacterial infection
Disregard package info concerning duration of treatment. Dose medication daily for 10 days.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
Note: There are two versions of Maracyn-Two. One is marked "Saltwater" and one is marked "Freshwater". The difference in the two is the amount of medication each packet contains. The saltwater version contains 20mg Minocycline/packet whereas the freshwater version contains 10 mg Minocycline/packet.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Mix 2 packets of Maracyn-Two with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Mix 1 packet of Maracyn-Two with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
METHYLENE BLUE Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: 2.303% solution Chloride Salt of Methylene Blue
Indication: ammonia burns, nitrite poisoning, cyanide poisoning
Dose at 1tsp (~5ml) for 3 – 5 days.
Note: Methylene Blue will stain artificial hitches, decor, live rock, etc., and the silicone sealant in aquariums.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
METHYLENE BLUE DIP Dosage and Preparation Instructions
Active Ingredient: 2.303% solution Chloride Salt of Methylene Blue
Indication: nitrite poisoning, cyanide poisoning, some fungus, some external parasites
Dose at 5tsp (~24ml) per 3 gallons (~11 liters).
Note: Methylene Blue will stain artificial hitches, decor, live rock, etc., and the silicone sealant in aquariums.
• Fill a tank/container with 3 gallons (~11 liters) of aged, well aerated, dechlorinated marine water. Match the pH, temperature, and salinity to that of the tank the Seahorse is currently in.
• Add 5tsp (~24ml) of Methylene Blue to the tank/container. Mix well.
• Place the Seahorse into the dip water for NO longer than 10 SECONDS.
• Remove the Seahorse from the dip water and place it in a hospital tank.
METRONIDAZOLE Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: Metronidazole
Indication: flagellates and other internal parasites
Brand Names: Metro+, Metro-Pro, Metronidazole, Metro-MS, Flagyl. Flagyl is available by prescription from your local veterinarian.
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Metronidazole to the Seahorse. Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• If using tablets, crush one tablet into a fine powder. If using powder, dose 1/4tsp.
• Add the Metronidazole to one gallon (~4 liters) of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank. • Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
NEOMYCIN Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank (when used alone for severe infections)
Active Ingredient:
Indication: bacterial infection
Brandnames: National Fish Pharmaceuticals, AgriLabs. (Biosol, Neomix, and NeoMed can sometimes be found at feed supply stores).
Maintain a level of 1250mg per day for 10 days UNLESS there are signs kidney problems (edema/bloating). If the Seahorse is symptomatic for kidney failure reduce all dosage amounts by 1/2.
Note: Neomycin is available in both liquid and powder forms. For AgriLabs liquid Neomycin 6ml per 10g is equal to ~1250mg.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Mix 1250mg of Neomycin with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Mix 625mg of Neomycin with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
NEOMYCIN Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank (when used concurrently with Triple Sulfate)
Active Ingredient: Neomycin
Indication: bacterial infection
Brandnames: National Fish Pharmaceuticals, AgriLabs. (Biosol, Neomix, and NeoMed can sometimes be found at feed supply stores).
Maintain a level of 400mg per day for 10 days
Note: Neomycin is available in both liquid and powder forms. For AgriLabs liquid Neomycin 2ml per 10g is equal to ~400mg.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Mix 400mg of Neomycin with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Mix 200mg of Neomycin with ~1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
NEOSPORIN Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Topical Application
Active Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate
Indication: open external lesions.
Brandnames: Neosporin and generic triple antibiotic ointments are available at pharmacies and discount stores.
Note: Please do NOT use ointments that list Pramoxine HCl or other pain relievers in their ingredients. • If the lesion is on the body, hold the head underwater and gently apply the ointment with a cotton swab. Try not to disturb the wound with the applicator. • A thin coating is enough. • Apply twice per day . Note: Do not use ointments that list Pramoxine HCl or other pain relievers in their ingredients
NITROFURAZONE POWDER (oral) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone
Indication: bacterial infection
Manufacturer: National Fish Pharmaceuticals
Feed adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with the medication to the Seahorse 2x per day for 10 days.
• Add a tiny amount (<1/8 tsp) of Nitrofurazone Powder to one gallon of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the hospital tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
NITROFURAZONE POWDER (immersion) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Nitrofurazone
Indication: bacterial infection
Manufacturer: National Fish Pharmaceuticals
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
This product is best administered by feeding it to adult live brine shrimp, then in turn, feeding those animals to the Seahorse. If this is not an option, it may be administered as follows.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Thoroughly mix 1/8 tsp of Nitrofurazone Powder with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change. • Thoroughly mix 1/8 tsp of Nitrofurazone Powder with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
PRAZIQUANTEL Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Deworming
Active Ingredient: Praziquantel
Indication: worms and other internal parasites
Brand Names: PraziPro, Praz-Tastic, Praziquantel
One day each week, feed two meals of adult brine shrimp gut-loaded with Praziquantel to the Seahorse. Repeat for a total of 3 weeks.
• Add 10ml (~2tsp) of Praziquantel to one gallon (~4 liters) of water and mix thoroughly.
• Place the amount of adult brine shrimp needed for one feeding into the mixture. Leave them in the mixture for at least 2hrs.
• Remove the adult brine shrimp from the mixture and add them to the quarantine tank.
• Observe the Seahorse to be certain it is eating the adult brine shrimp.
TRIPLE SULFATE (Sulfa/Sulpha) Dosage and Preparation Instructions for a 10g/38L Hospital Tank
Active Ingredient: Sodium Sulfathiazole, Sodium Sulfamethazine, and Sodium Sulfacetamide
Indication: bacterial infection
Brand Names: Triple Sulfa, Triple Sulpha, Trisulfa
Dose per package instructions for 10 days. (Normally ~380mg per day for 10 days).
Disregard package info concerning water changes.
Replace the medication in ratio to the amount of water changed daily as needed to control ammonia.
DAY 1 of Treatment
• Thoroughly mix the medication with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
DAYS 2 – 10 of Treatment
• Perform a 50% water change.
• Thoroughly mix the medication with about 1 cup of marine water.
• Pour the mixture into a high-flow area of the hospital tank.
WOUND CONTROL Dosage and Preparation Instructions for Topical Application
Active Ingredient: Merbromin
Indication: open external lesions.
Note: Wound Control is a product of Aquatronics, which has since gone out of business. However, this product has no expiration date, so although it is difficult to find, it may be used when located.
• If the lesion is on the body, hold the head underwater in a separate bowl of tank water. Drip the solution onto the lesion rather than applying it with a cotton swab which could spread or aggravate the infection. A syringe filled with the solution would ease this process and allow for added control over its application. Let dry momentarily and then return seahorse to their tank.
• Place 1 – 2 drops directly on the wound.
• Apply twice per day.